The Employment Services / Job Bank has been created to help you find student employment (if you’re a student) or post an available position (job) if you’re an employer.
The Employment Services/Job Bank allows you to post or browse employment opportunities in our area.
Browse a listing by selecting Online Services (from the menu above), then Available Jobs. Available jobs will be listed by Job Title with the most recent posting first.
Cost: There is no cost to to post a listing or browse the listings.
All Listings go through an approval process!
If you are wishing to post an employment opportunity (job), please understand that your advertisement will not appear until approved by the Vernon Students’ Association – Okanagan College. Everyone accessing or using this service should also be aware that the Vernon Students’ Association – Okanagan College provides this service, but does not become involved in screening the employment opportunities (jobs), employers or students. It is the responsibility of the students and the employers to exercise due diligence in screening for suitability.
Also, please note that it is the responsibility of the poster to contact the VSAOC office to remove posts when the posting is no longer required. Pleae contact Eric at 250-306-2891.
This service is wholly owned and operated by the Vernon Students’ Association – Okanagan College.