As a member of the VSAOC, each student has the unique opportunity to influence key directions taken by the Students’ Association. If you are interested in serving the student body as a whole, you may wish to consider running for an elected position on the student council of Vernon Students’ Association – Okanagan College. There are a variety of positions available to members, and each position performs a variety of roles and duties.

Each election is overseen by an Election Committee, which consists of existing student council members and the General Manager. The Election Committee ensures each election is conducted according to the criteria established in the VSAOC Constitution and By-Laws.

If you wish to learn more about the elections, available positions or how to participate, contact the VSAOC. Please direct your enquiries to:

Eric Reist
General Manager
Office Phone: 250.545.7291 (2213)
Cell Phone: 250.306.2891

The Benefits of Membership

The VSAOC is an independent and democratically operated student organization which serves as an integral part of a student experience at this college. This organization has a proud history of serving students and successfully advocating for the needs of students. As a fee-paying member of the Vernon Students’ Association – Okanagan College, it is important that you take advantage of the benefits of membership. By using the wide array of services provided by the VSAOC, you will save money and increase the ability of your student organization to implement new or enhanced services. We encourage you to take the time to familiarize yourself with all of the services provided by the VSAOC.

Volunteering for Events & Campaigns

If you wish to contribute some time and support to the student body, you may wish to volunteer for some of the events or campaigns being conducted by the VSAOC. Please direct your interest in volunteering to:

Eric Reist
General Manager
Office Phone: 250.545.7291 (2213)
Cell Phone: 250.306.2891